VisiTor For RoBoTiC

RoBoTiC TeaM

RoBoTiC TeaM
Let's RocK..!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

FRusT NYeR!!!!!

Frust Nyer!!!!...only that word kat describe everything.....x dak rezeki kot pakai jersey ori..original form old trafford..3 years waiting..wait for another year???..nah..just forget it!!..but man united in my heart never die..everyone know how i'm crazy about man united..sket nak sampai tanjung rambutan..hahahahha..
P/s: Kener p beli sendirik la kat old trafford...baru bleh caya..ntah biler..10, 20 years???..only God KnowS!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

WD block blog!!

hi All..FYI, IT helpdesk WD dah block dah access ke blog2 budak2 robot x ley masuk la blog nie..sedey jer...kalo x bleh pakai pasword aku ek...sedey $#@%$#%$^%$^......xpe..robotic team tetap di hati!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The BZ WEEK!!!

next week onwards will be the bz day for robotic team...coz next week nak start select vendor untuk fabricate and develop machine baru. Fuh..!!, esok kiter release tensen tengok citer 2 fast 2 furious 4...Saper nak ikot????

p/s: nak apply cuti tapi macam x dapat jerk..projek under robotic team.kalo x ..melepas la aku..Avvin..please on behalf!!..